Pain, despair, joy, and revelation are essential to the human experience. One cannot have pain without understanding joy or a revelation without being in the throes of despair. To vacillate between extremes, and sometimes live within a combination of them, creates an understanding that can lead to wisdom. That is not guaranteed, but if wisdom is achieved we find ourselves in the position defined by connection with our world and everything in it. Not only that, but we also then possess the ability to make an educated choice for our own future.
As human and innate creators, how do we express our experiences? Through art! My definition of art is broad. Art is a conversation with a friend, therapist, or stranger. Art is crunching numbers. Art is meditation. Art is hiking and climbing a mountain. Art is music, writing, painting, photography, and crafting. Being a guide for your children, a friend, a stranger is art. Learning to listen is art.
We all, in some form, must express our experiences and share our feelings to others in order to feel complete. As we change, and so the world around us, we reevaluate
direction constantly in pursuit of meaning and community, therefore never feeling complete. Feeling complete or finding wholeness is never the goal. If you do you are left behind, because we change and the world shifts at a rate many of us must come to terms with on a daily basis. This is good. The status quo is unbearable for those living with an artist ideal. Creating is never about maintaining or supporting a current system because every construct is the result of some progression achieved through influence in times past. Whether the progression within a particular context is good or not remains a subjective endeavor. The creation of art in all its forms is distinctly associated with the progression of thought. Without free thinking artists we inevitably are less human, resulting in less communication and connection with our world.
Hiking and climbing mountains are things that have led me to believe those that choose to experience something greater than themselves will find themselves. Yes, there are many avenues and faith paths that people may pursue. All should be given credit, excepting those that exclude. Mother Earth does not exclude. We are welcome in her space as long as we understand the level of respect required to enter those spaces. Disrespecting creation in any form will lead to existential confusion. Those that consume art should never exclude. In my experience, artists rarely exclude. Support is key to them and their understanding of themselves. We need people, animals, society, plants, trees, thought, and expression to achieve some level of validation. That is OK.
This world needs artists! It needs artists in all their beautiful forms to open avenues of connection. Without expression individuals and society as a whole become robot sheep, never hearing new ideas or finding value in the beauty of simple creations. Artists are big picture types of people. We desperately need more of those people to show us a way forward. Create always! Always be creative! Practice the art of creation! Peace and love beautiful fellow creators!